jeudi 6 octobre 2011

Les PME ont peur d'utiliser le cloud computing

Les PME européennes pourraient engendrer des bénéfices supplémentaires d'1,2 milliard d'euros si elles décidaient de se lancer dans l'informatique en nuage (« cloud computing »), ont expliqué les participants à une table ronde hier (4 octobre).

The cloud – infrastructure, software, data or applications held off companies’ premises and accessed via the Internet – can hone economies of scale by cutting out hardware costs and reducing SMEs costs per unit as demand increases. “Talking to SMEs in many member states we know they are afraid about what will happen to their data, there needs to be a form of education about the extent to which third parties may be privy to their data,” said Mauricevan der Woude, the general director of Eurocloud Europe, a trade group supported by  Microsoft and other companies.

SMEs can gain savings from conversion to cloud

The problem lies in the lack of business awareness of the opportunities, van der Woude said, adding: “It would be beneficial for SMEs to educate them about this because it’s happening way too slowly.” Nigel Gibbons, the managing director of technology SME Unitech, claimed that €1.2 billion was being wiped off the profits of SMEs each year – money that they would otherwise be able to invest – if they transferred their computing to the cloud system.
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